Project Details

Name of Sponsoring Organization: Florida Power & Light (FPL)

Sponsor Point of Contact (name): Scarlett Luis, Smart Grid & Innovation

Email Address:

Name of Technical Mentor (i.e. Subject Matter Expert): Faculty Advisor: Wilfrido Moreno

TM Email Address:

Project Title: Increase Security for Substation/assets

Required EE Area(s) of Expertise: Embedded//Microprocessors, Sensors, Control

Brief Project Description: • Increasing autonomous security is an area of focus for FPL • Identifying and reporting location of observed human intrusion is imperative for eliminating unnecessary exposure to substations by the public & improve security at substation • Create embedded system that integrates sensed data from a motion detector to trigger systems to observe and report findings.

Major system products expected from this project: • Develop proto-type of embedded system that collects motion sensed data and actuates robotic systems. • Perform field testing with integrated system and trend analysis of commonly reported human intrusion location for increased security recommendations

Parts of the project that “Engineering Design” is expected (e.g., mathematical calculations and/or verification simulations): Sensor Integration, Proximity and mathematical calculations, verification simulations, power calculations, etc.

The level of support (Time: technical guidance, materials, computing, financial, etc.) for the project. If no financial support will be provided, please offer an estimate of the Materials Cost: 30/45 minute weekly meeting with FPL SME’s and the USF Team, Access to FPL assets and personnel for testing and verification. Once the students are on the projects FPL plans to meet with the USF team Face-to-Face at least 2 times, once each semester and attend final presentations. FPL Will supply additional funding for procuring sensors on a case by case basis. Final budget TBD; to be finalized and approved by FPL Liaison engineer. FPL Goal & Expectations: FPL intention is to hire as many students as possible from the project team upon graduation and the following expectations help FPL align with this goal: potential candidates need to know that FPL will require US Citizenship and a minimum 3.0 GPA as requirements for the hiring process. Approved students in the USF- Team need to be willing to sign the NDA/IP agreement under review between FPL and USF. Students who decide to go to grad school can still participate in the FPL summer internship program.