Project Details

Name of Sponsoring Organization: Arash Takshi (Bio-Organic Electronics Lab)

Sponsor Point of Contact (name):

Email Address:

Name of Technical Mentor (i.e. Subject Matter Expert): Arash Takshi

TM Email Address:

Project Title: Wearable Electronics Printer system

Required EE Area(s) of Expertise: Microcontroller, Analog and Power Electronics

Brief Project Description: Takshi’s lab is working on a devised method of printing copper on fabrics for the development of wearable electronics. To apply the new printing method, a printer system has to be designed. The motorized XYZ-stage is available. A microcontroller based closed-loop control system has to be designed to monitor the level of electric current and adjust the printing parameters to obtain a high quality circuit layout printed on fabrics.

Major system products expected from this project: Please list the major deliverables expected to receive from this project: A. Design a microcontroller based system to control the XYZ motorized stage. B. Design a computer interface to allow the operator for adjusting the printing parameters. C. Designing an adjustable analog current source. D. Designing the power supply of the system.

Parts of the project that “Engineering Design” is expected (e.g., mathematical calculations and/or verification simulations): Please see the project description for details !

The level of support (Time: technical guidance, materials, computing, financial, etc.) for the project. If no financial support will be provided, please offer an estimate of the Materials Cost: The team has to commit to meet regularly (weekly) with Dr. Takshi all through both semesters. The mechanical system will be available for testing the design at Takshi’s lab. The cost of the parts will be covered.