Name of Sponsoring Organization: Dr. Alexandro Castellanos/Dr. Wilfrido Moreno
Sponsor Point of Contact (name):
Email Address:
Name of Technical Mentor (i.e. Subject Matter Expert): NA
TM Email Address:
Project Title: Collaborative Robotic Systems
Required EE Area(s) of Expertise: Basic Math and Programming skills, Engineering Design, Control Theory, Mechatronics, Applied Robotics.
Brief Project Description: Collaborative robots are systems designed to interact in a physical way with humans within a work environment. These systems can share a collaborative space where tasks and communication between robots and humans are effectively accomplished. Collaborative robots take operations to the next level. They work hand in hand with humans balancing the imperative for safety with the need for flexibility and productivity. In order to continue with robotic systems development completed in previous years, this project will use an already developed robotic platform and a new autonomous mobile donated to the department equipped with advanced sensors and an Nvidia Jetson Xavier ARM processor. The designed system will collaborate with the user in different areas such as surveillance, monitoring and tasks driven activities.
Major system products expected from this project: 1. Build a collaborative robotic system 2. Test and validate the system in a real-life scenario with specific tasks to be accomplished.
Parts of the project that “Engineering Design” is expected (e.g., mathematical calculations and/or verification simulations): 1. Develop a collaborative robotic system based on the system’s kinematics and its surroundings(Math) 2. Simulate and validate using the Robotic Operating system (ROS) (programming) 3. Mapping of information of multiple models to predict possible pollution (Math/ Simulation)
The level of support (Time: technical guidance, materials, computing, financial, etc.) for the project. If no financial support will be provided, please offer an estimate of the Materials Cost: Time: Technical guidance by the mentors at USF and an "End-used - TBA" Traveling support to FPL premises. Materials: Sensors, Computing systems, framing materials, etc