Name of Sponsoring Organization: Yasin Yilmaz
Sponsor Point of Contact (name):
Email Address:
Name of Technical Mentor (i.e. Subject Matter Expert):
TM Email Address:
Project Title: Video Analytics at the Edge
Required EE Area(s) of Expertise: Machine learning, Python coding, Embedded systems
Brief Project Description: Program a microcomputer, such as NVIDIA Jetson, to detect anomalous objects and/or movements. Machine learning algorithms based on deep neural networks will be implemented on the microcomputer to detect objects and movement in the environment. A statistical detection algorithm will be used to detect anomalies.
Major system products expected from this project: A small system (stable or moving) with a microcomputer and a camera, which can detect unexpected (i.e., anomalous) objects and/or movements in the environment.
Parts of the project that “Engineering Design” is expected (e.g., mathematical calculations and/or verification simulations): Implementing machine learning algorithms on the microcomputer to process the video data captured by a camera.
The level of support (Time: technical guidance, materials, computing, financial, etc.) for the project. If no financial support will be provided, please offer an estimate of the Materials Cost: In addition to technical guidance, one NVIDIA Jetson Xavier and financial support up to $2,000 will be provided to buy camera and other materials.