Project Details

Name of Sponsoring Organization: Software Logistics

Sponsor Point of Contact (name): Kevin Wolf / Brandon Lederer

Email Address:

Name of Technical Mentor (i.e. Subject Matter Expert): Kevin Wolf - Academic Advisor: Wilfrido Moreno

TM Email Address:

Project Title: IoT Implementation for a Harsh Temperature Monitoring System

Required EE Area(s) of Expertise: IoT, Sensors, Embedded Sytems

Brief Project Description: Design an IoT based monitoring system by integrating software tools and hardware constructed to withstand high heat and rugged environments. The developed system will be used to monitor heat on large construction grade concrete crushers and associated bearings.

Major system products expected from this project: 1) Extending existing Data collection and transmission module within NuvIoT 2) Cloud based server application 3) External Sensor Array

Parts of the project that “Engineering Design” is expected (e.g., mathematical calculations and/or verification simulations): 1) PCB design and construction 2) Firmware design and development 3) Sensor design/integration 4) Enclosure Design suitable for harsh locations on concrete crusher

The level of support (Time: technical guidance, materials, computing, financial, etc.) for the project. If no financial support will be provided, please offer an estimate of the Materials Cost: 1) Weekly project management and status calls 2) Technical assistance as necessary 3) Access to NuvIoT product platform 4) All Hardware and components will be supplied by the industry sponsor